Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Cheap Movies in Singapore

Singapore movie tickets is going upwards. The ticket price rose even faster than inflation.

As for me, I keep enjoying cheap and even free movie tickets.

That's all thanks to UOB NOW debit card which giving me free tickets every Monday and $6 tickets for every weekday. Heck, even students' price of $6 is only for Monday to Friday before 6PM. But with this card, I can enjoy $6 movie tickets Mon to Fri all day! (Except Friday night, d'uh)

Anyway click here to see what they offer and enjoy the same privilege as I do.

NOTE: I'm not affiliated with UOB or paid to write this post. (which i regret so) Anyway I'm writing this cause I enjoy the $6 movie tickets and I think this is a great offer you shouldn't miss.

And oh, UOB NOW also double functioned as EZ-Link. Word of caution however, UOB NOW does not have NETS function. Although it can be used in normal ATM but it won't work for NETS purchase.

List of Water Cooler in Singapore

Hate tap water but don't want to buy bottled water? For environment sake or for your pocket's sake, you might want to get armed with list of where you can get free ice water along the street without hurting your pride.

So without further ado, here goes.

1. National Library, basement one, in front of toilet. And almost all floor except floor 1.
2. Airport. T1 to T3. spread all over
3. Singapore Visitor Centre, Orchard Rd. Just go inside.
4. Most churches in Singapore have water fountains. True Way Presbyterian, near Queenstown MRT, first floor. Extensive list will be put here when I get to hear from readers or confirms the existence myself.
5. Most schools have water fountains as well. So I won't mention too much on it.
6. Starhub shop and carrefour [plaza singapura] have water dispenser, sponsored by ice mountain. Just go inside.
7. Raffles City Shopping Center. Level 2. Near Swiss cafe. [close to okaidi/obaibi childrenwear]

Some places I've known need to be reconfirmed. so sad that IKEA Alexandra removes their water cooler. Last time I know there's a water cooler on 3rd floor of Jurong Point, near baby's room behind the Kopitiam. Can anyone confirm it's still there?

As the list still very small, I do need help from readers who knows such places with water cooler. A photographic evidence will be much appreciated. At least we can help those who are tap-water-phobic to get free hydration on the road. Please help if you know any in the major malls or even Orchard Road stretch.

Do write in comments for any input or suggestions. I will update this post from time to time.

Updated 28 June

Chris' Scribbles will change format

Dear readers,

I've decided to change the format for this blog. The new format is still in construction (on paper) but will combine the seriousness of financial planning and the fun and joy of life.

The new format will invite you, as reader, to explore life as a financial professional as well as my other side of life who loves good offers and bargains.

As much as quizzes and prizes will be given away here, do stay tuned for the new version.

In tune with my job as financial professional, I would write articles on future planning, insurance planning, investments planning and of course some of my personal interests including review of blogs I read, self improvement articles as well as money management strategy.

The new version will also have a long long list on how to get the best deal in Singapore. You might never know how much money you can save. And of course, contribution from readers is very much appreciated.

Thanks and Enjoy!


Wednesday, April 23, 2008

stretched noodle...

stretched noodle... Have you heard of it?

How about la mian? Sounds familiar?

And how about hand-stretched la mian? Sounds yummy?

Well, in Tiong Bahru Plaza there's this handmade la mian shop which is an oasis for affordable and good la mian.

Their noodle's have perfect texture for la mian just not enough flavour and character though. I wish they make it little bit more tasty.

But the soup really do complement the noodle well.

Well, go ahead and try. They currently have $5 la mian promotion which I think it's a good offer.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome to planet Earth, Princess Kirana...

The other post can wait but this one shouldn't.

So without further ado, I'd love to welcome baby Kirana Wenxin Lynne Bahls.

Congratulation Tim and Mag, Wish you all the blessing from us. I bet she'll be very beautiful in 20 years.

Sorry, no pics here. But if you want to see the new mom and dad, you can always check out the website HERE.



I mean, HERE. But just a moment. Aren't they really look alike?

Tall Dad with glasses, black haired hyper-active mom, wonder if the baby grows just like Zoe MacPherson.

Time will tell.

PS: While you're admiring the baby's cuteness, do drop by babyblues.com to see the lighter reality of the new family.

PPS: Just realized that baby Kirana shares her birthday with me. But I think her number's better: 04+04=08. cute isn't it?

PPPS: Without the family name, there are 17 letters altogether in her name. Just like mine. Hahahahah...

Monday, March 31, 2008

Cool Blog!

Stumbled upon Christof's Blog.

I think he's quite cool in his own way. The blog is very honest and straightforward. It's kinda nice to read, really. I rarely heard blogger who in a way straightforward but not blatantly offensive in a way.

Drop by and have a sip of coffee while entertained by the Singapore Complaint Choir. (Although, complaining is not good, but it's more enlightening to hear such things.)

Hey, I'd love to put the vid here but he's got the full lyrics and I think it's worth a visit.

Oh yeah. It's all HERE.

Roast Duck Rice...

Apparently there are two kinds of duck rice in Singapore.

Roast Duck Rice and Braised Duck rice.

The way to differentiate both is very easy. Just look at the sign! So obvious huh? But if you can't read the sign, it's still very easy. Braised duck skin would be slightly wet look and light brown. While roast duck skin would seemed oily and from the look of it, crispy.

For me, I prefer the roast duck with crispy skin. A little warning though: Duck contains high level of cholesterol. It's nice. But do have it with thought to spare. Or if you insist on having a lot of duck rice, I can sell you a nice and cheap critical illness policy.

The avocado Juice however, is not the one you can find in some Indonesian restaurant here. It's kinda mixed with milk and tastes like avocado ice cream. And I can't even taste the avocado. But the shopkeeper is a very kind tomboy who calls everyone 'brother'. Need to give my thumbs up for the good service.

Anyway it's somewhere in Alexandra Village. Get a catch there. It's great. Just writing this I already dreamed of the crispy skin again... sigh.