Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Welcome to planet Earth, Princess Kirana...

The other post can wait but this one shouldn't.

So without further ado, I'd love to welcome baby Kirana Wenxin Lynne Bahls.

Congratulation Tim and Mag, Wish you all the blessing from us. I bet she'll be very beautiful in 20 years.

Sorry, no pics here. But if you want to see the new mom and dad, you can always check out the website HERE.



I mean, HERE. But just a moment. Aren't they really look alike?

Tall Dad with glasses, black haired hyper-active mom, wonder if the baby grows just like Zoe MacPherson.

Time will tell.

PS: While you're admiring the baby's cuteness, do drop by babyblues.com to see the lighter reality of the new family.

PPS: Just realized that baby Kirana shares her birthday with me. But I think her number's better: 04+04=08. cute isn't it?

PPPS: Without the family name, there are 17 letters altogether in her name. Just like mine. Hahahahah...


Mag said...

Alo Pinky,
Makasih hehehe.... gue kebetulan banget ketemu blog loe kemaren sebelom gue liat email loe. Gue ama Tim lagi iseng-iseng google namanya Kirana huehehe....

Lucu juga liat review makanannya. Gue udah sering liat blog ibu-ibu Indo yang hobi post soal makanan, dan ada banyak yang resepnya oke-oke. Tapi kalo cowo Indo yang ngobrol soal makanan, kayaknya baru kali ini gue liat :-p

Moga-moga gue bisa ketemu loe lagi summer ini. Loe di Sg ga?


Chris said...

Yup yup... masih di SG.

So it's kinda easy to remember me through you isn't it?


Your first name is my mum's first name.
Your last name is my dad's first name.
Now you die die have to remember my birthday, too... he he heee...

Don't worry. I also remember your birthday. It's one memorable date anyway. like, 123?