Monday, December 31, 2007

New Year's Resolution?

My new years' resolution will be... something more than 1024x768 32bit. If you confused, congratulation: You're NOT a geek.

Let's not say it's a new year's resolution, how about "My Success Benchmark for 2008"

Isn't it good?

Well, let's see. How if we define success?

What I mean by success is
By end of 2008:
I'm 65 Kg
I earned $50,000
I went to Taiwan at least once (in February or in December)
I went to Japan (earn free trip from my company)
I got 200 A&H (Accident and Health) Cases

And how if I don't want Success? I wanted to be Outrageously Successful?

So My outrageously success would means by End 2008,
I'm 65Kg, lean and muscular
I earned at least $100K. Which as well qualify me for MDRT
I went to Taiwan and stayed for more than 2 weeks.
I went to Japan and ate matsutake and kobe beef steak and Matsuzaka beef steak.
I got 400 A&H new cases
I got my confirmed wedding date

Not easy and not simple... so have to start making a strategy and move it.

Well, all in all, welcome 2008!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry Christmas... everyone

And so this is Christmas... and what have we done?

This Christmas is my first Christmas in Singapore where I'm totally free. But somehow I miss the atmosphere in my hometown.

When I was at my home back there, at Christmas, it was always a joyful occasion. Added with my mum's birthday that also fall on the 25th, we got all the more reason to celebrate.

Well, I missed having Christmas at home... maybe next year... yeah... maybe next year...

Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Mind Game: Attitude No. 3

I admire and model rich and successful people

This looks easy... but then it's hard to do. The words exactly from T. Harv Eker's Attitude of wealth: winning the "mind" game.

When I looked at some rich and successful people, I can't stop myself from feeling the envy of their lifestyle. Sometime I also feel that, maybe they have the pedigree or they have the brain to get the money.

Bill Gates is rich... he was born rich... and he have the brain that makes him even richer. And guess what, these rich people keep getting richer and richer. Now can you stop envying them? It's hard to do. I know... We might even fall deeper with negative thinking, that some rich people are just lucky or they might be corrupt officers. They might have hit some lottery jackpot or have some huge inheritance from a rich aunt. But it's not always true. (in fact, most of the lottery winner broke soon enough after busting all their winnings)

Buffett is rich... and he keeps getting richer. And I know some people whose income a day exceeds some other's lifetime income. So is life unfair when someone is filthy rich and others are extravagantly broke?

Now here's the mindset we should follow. Instead of thinking bad about them and let ourselves feeling down... why don't we cheer for them, celebrate their success as well as model them for what they have done. There's no manual on how to be rich, but when you model these rich and successful people, at least you will know what they have been into.

(these are only excerpt on what you will get on Secret of Millionaire Mind book and seminar by T Harv Eker. You can get the book in your nearest bookstore or if you broke like me, you can always knock your neighbor's door. Maybe they have one. If you're just too lazy to get out to the bookshop, you can order online HERE)

Monday, December 17, 2007

Keep Failing?

The truest fact that you can have in an investment prospectus is read: “Past performance does not reflect future performance.”

It's true but somehow, we always “believe” that whatever happened in the past will actually reflects on how it is in the future. Simply said, in an investment vehicle, for example, we believe in what we call “track record”. We believe that when an investor or an investment manager perform in the past, the will perform the same in the future. But it's not always happen as such.

Same thing happen in our relationship: our past experience does not reflect your future. Some of us have had failed relationship in our life. I had one. Others have more. But when we failed to see that the past does not at all reflect the future, we failed to get up.

A historian once told this famous quote: “History is there to teach us that men will never learn from history.” Why do we fail all the time? Simple: we keep repeating the same mistake.

When we failed in our business, does that mean we will fail again? Yes. If we do the same thing all over again. Same with love and relationship: when we try to do the same thing that resulted in our failure, we'll simply repeat our failure.

But, when we look back at why people always look at the track record when they are doing investment, we found out one thing. Track record provides us the information on how well the manager do their job. Or in other word, we would like to be assured that they are actually doing the right thing and know how to do the right thing.

So let's make it simple. One friend of mine quote, “Learn from those who have made it. Not those who know it and seemed to made it.” The reason why we keep failing in our business, relationship, academic and all the things we do... is that we do the same thing again and again and again and again... Learn from those who have made it. They don't made it by doing the same thing all over again. Edison creates the light bulb after a thousand failures and finally find the right way to made one... simply because he keep trying to find a different way.

Let me end this post with a memorable quote: “Those big shots are not the ones who shoot big. They are the ones who keep shooting.” So, keep shooting. Just aim better.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

It's only words...

When I was in T Harv Eker's Millionaire Mind intensive, there's a clause that's always repeated again and again during the 3-days seminar:

"How you do anything is how you do everything"

Sound's weird but I guess it's true. Sometimes we're too easily blame on someone or something when things happen outside of our expectation. But in the end, it's on how we perceived things that controls our reaction.

Words, for example, shows who are you and how you perceived the people you're speaking with. The words that we frequently use will simply tell us how we believe other is looking at us. Let me show you an example:

I know someone who always put "Honestly,..." whenever he wanted to emphasize some points. While it does looks like he's trying to put some weight on the points, it also give the impression that, unless he said "honestly,..." , he's not honest. Same thing also when someone said "trust me..." occasionally. It mean that he fells that people does not want to trust him... And guess what: the implication will appear that nobody will actually trust him.

After evaluating myself, I found out that I often start a sentence with "You see..." While it sounds that I want to make sure that they got what I mean, it will also give the impression that I don't trust the other person that he will understand me. Simple? Not at all. Now here's a book I've read and I believe you should read it. While Dale Carnegie's "How to win friends and influence people" emphasize on looking at others, this book, by Rhonda Britten, is focusing entirely on your inner self.

Now this book works on 30 days basis. Similar to Rick Warren "Purpose Driven Life", the book "Change your life in 30 days" will show you how to examine yourself and change it.

The book is available on your bookstore and Libraries in Singapore.. No, I won't get any single penny to recommend this book for you but if you do want to thank me for the recommendation, then I recommend you to click on the Amazon widget and buy it online.

It's changing my life, and I'm sure you'll see the points on what I've written just now.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007


Sigh... I felt tired and unmotivated today. I dunno why.

I think I need sometime to meditate.

And well, since my target is going to go Osaka for convention, maybe having a little Osaka wallpaper on my place is good motivator.