Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Success breeds success (T Harv Eker-MMI)

One of the keyword that kept pummeled into my brain by T Harv Eker during the millionaire mind seminar is that to acknowledge my successes. So the book requires me to write down five successes I have day by day. However silly you might think it is, once you acknowledge it's a success, you'll yearn for more successes. So the point of writing down my successes is to
1. Attract more successes.
Because every time I acknowledging my successes, I'll hungry for more. Seriously. I've done that for only 2 days but I've enjoy every successes I've got. Not so superb, but something like "I create a blog post today" or "I get to know one new people today" or "I said 'hi' to the girl next door" and so on. Once you feel the success, you'll want more.
2. Force you to create success.
Last night I was down till my bedtime and I can only write 3 successes. So what can I do with the other 2? You see, the condition that I MUST write at least 5 points. So I'm forcing myself to do SOMETHING that I can consider as success. Either write a blog, start reading a book, finish reading a book, go jogging, do some push-ups... whatever! But the journal will force me to get another success. No matter what happen, however sick I'm in bed, I must go on and create 5 successes!

So by writing this post, I get another success. And guess what: not only the 2 points above that I've enjoy by this exercise, I also realized that I start planning for my success! What a marvelous idea! Day by day when I write this in the night, I kept thinking what should I write tomorrow... what success I can create tomorrow...

And again, if you feel this posting is good, I'm sure you'll start doing it and as well enjoying it. And guess what: If you do start doing what I'm doing, it's another success for me. It's just I don't know it. If you start doing this and post a comment on how you feel, it's a success for me... and thanks for letting me know it.

End of story... the idea is not mine. The idea came from T. Harv Eker's millionaire mind seminar. It's worth $1295. But let me tell you, I've been there and I've changed a lot from the whole experience. And the best thing is: you buy the book, you'll get free a couple of ticket for the 3-day Intensive Seminar. Good or good?

So if you read this blog and do follow the idea, I got my success, I got another success if you buy the book (I don't care if you buy it from the online store or you go to bookshop yourself... but you got to read that. I can even lend one for you if you live in Singapore). And if you do attend the seminar, ca-ching! one more success for me. Then, you enjoy the seminar and become successful... it's my fourth success. And guess what: If you do all those above and let me know, it's all 5 successes and you make my day. Without even send me a single penny... good or good?

So go ahead and click below if you want to buy it online. And you can write one point of success in your journal: "I bought T Harv Eker's Secret of Millionaire Mind today" Good or good?

Smile, I know you will enjoy the book as well as the seminar. Go get it now cause I know you want to start reading it now.

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