Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Yeah... I love pink...

Really... I love pink. But not for the sake of being cute.

You see, pink is not always represent cuteness and tenderness. And I don't really believe that pink is only worn by girly boys. I mean even one of my Senpai once wear a hot pink shirt with matching pink tie... and d'oh... it's sooooo gay but fortunately he's straight.

I love mix and matching my pink. Okay, I'm not to the point that I'm wearing pink watch (although I bought a pink watch once... for my gf's birthday present .) But I can always mix and match my pink shirts with other combo of color.

So my love for pink color is just because I like it. Not because the self-expression thingy or wanting to be some cute-dude or whatever. And no, I'm not some hello kitty fans, (I do like charmmy kitty but not too much... I tell you: even my girlfriend got nauseated by the over dosage of cuteness radiated by charmmy kitty.) and I'm not in anyway going to sanrio land anytime soon.

the epicenter of all cuteness in the world. (source: Wikipedia)

So yeah... I love pink.

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